Summer is just around the corner!

And if you own an inground pool, it’s time to start preparing for its grand opening. An inground pool is a great investment that provides a refreshing escape from the summer heat. However, opening an inground pool for summer requires careful planning and execution. In this blog, we will guide you through the process of opening your inground pool for the summer season.

Planning for Your Pool Opening

  1. Determine the Right Time – You should plan to open your inground pool for summer when the weather consistently reaches 70 degrees Fahrenheit or higher. Opening your pool too early can result in costly maintenance and cleaning, while opening too late can delay the enjoyment of your pool.
  2. Check Your Pool Supplies – Before opening your pool, make sure that you have all the necessary supplies. This includes chemicals like chlorine and pH balancers, cleaning equipment like brushes and skimmers, and accessories like ladders and pool covers.
  3. Assess Your Pool Equipment – Check your pool’s equipment, including the pump, filter, and heater, to make sure that they are in good working condition. If any equipment needs to be repaired or replaced, it’s best to do it before opening your pool.

Steps for Opening Your Inground Pool

  1. Remove Your Pool Cover – Begin by removing your pool cover and cleaning it thoroughly. Once it’s dry, store it in a dry, cool place.
  2. Clean Your Pool – Use a pool brush to scrub the walls and floor of your pool, removing any dirt, debris, or algae. Use a skimmer net to remove larger debris like leaves and twigs.
  3. Refill Your Pool Water – Use a garden hose to refill your pool with water. Make sure that the water level is at the appropriate level for your pool.
  4. Test Your Pool Water – Use a pool testing kit to check the pH, alkalinity, and chlorine levels of your pool water. Adjust the levels as needed to ensure a safe and balanced swimming environment.
  5. Shock Your Pool – Use a pool shock product to kill any bacteria or algae that may be present in your pool water. Follow the instructions on the shock product carefully.
  6. Run Your Pool Pump and Filter – Turn on your pool pump and filter, and let it run for at least 24 hours to circulate the pool water and filter out any debris.
  7. Set Up Your Pool Accessories – Install any accessories like ladders, diving boards, or slides that you may have taken down during the winter months.

Maintenance Tips for Your Inground Pool

  1. Regularly Check Your Pool Water – Test your pool water at least once a week, and adjust the chemical levels as needed to maintain a safe and balanced swimming environment.
  2. Clean Your Pool Filter – Regularly clean your pool filter to ensure that it is working efficiently. Replace the filter cartridge or sand as needed.
  3. Monitor Your Pool’s Chemical Levels – In addition to regular testing, monitor your pool’s chemical levels daily, especially during periods of heavy pool use or inclement weather.
  4. Brush Your Pool Walls and Floors – Brush your pool walls and floors regularly to prevent algae growth and remove any debris.
  5. Remove Debris from Your Pool – Use a skimmer net to remove any debris that may have fallen into your pool, like leaves, twigs, or bugs.

Common Pool Problems and Solutions

  1. Cloudy Pool Water – Cloudy pool water can be caused by a number of factors, including poor filtration or high pH levels. Test your pool water and adjust the chemical levels as needed, and clean or replace your pool filter if necessary.
  2. Algae Growth – Algae growth is a common problem in pools, especially if the water is not properly balanced. Use a pool shock product to kill any algae that may be present, and clean your pool thoroughly to prevent future growth.
  3. Low Pool Water Level – A low pool water level can cause damage to your pool’s equipment and lead to costly repairs. Check your pool’s water level regularly and refill it as needed.
  4. Pump and Filter Issues – If your pool pump or filter is not working properly, it can lead to poor filtration and cloudy pool water. Check your equipment regularly and clean or replace parts as needed.
  5. Pool Heater Problems – If your pool heater is not working properly, it can prevent you from enjoying your pool to the fullest. Check your heater regularly and have it serviced or repaired as needed.


Opening an inground pool for the summer season requires planning, preparation, and execution. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your pool is ready for endless summer fun! Remember to maintain your pool regularly to keep it in top condition. With proper care and attention, your inground pool can provide years of enjoyment for you and your family.


  1. How often should I test my pool water?
  • It is recommended to test your pool water at least once a week.
  1. Can I use regular household bleach to shock my pool?
  • No, it is not recommended. Use only pool-specific shock products.
  1. What should I do if my pool water is still cloudy after shocking?
  • Wait a day or two and test the water again. You may need to repeat the shock process or adjust your pool’s pH level.
  1. Can I clean my pool filter with a garden hose?
  • No, it is not recommended. Use a filter cleaning solution or consult with a pool professional for proper cleaning techniques.
  1. How long should I run my pool pump and filter each day?
  • It is recommended to run your pool pump and filter for 8-12 hours each day during the summer season.