Swimming pools are a great addition to any home, offering a place to relax, exercise, and cool off during hot summer months. However, maintaining a swimming pool requires regular attention and upkeep. To ensure your pool stays in good condition and remains safe for use, here are some things to look for when maintaining your swimming pool:

Chemical levels:

Maintaining proper chemical balance in your pool water is crucial for ensuring a healthy and safe swimming environment. Pool water is susceptible to various types of pollutants, including dirt, debris, algae, and bacteria, which can thrive in unbalanced water conditions.

To keep your pool water balanced, it’s essential to test the water frequently using a test kit or take a sample to a pool supply store for testing. Test your water at least twice a week during the swimming season, and once a week during the off-season.

The pH level of the water measures its acidity or alkalinity, with a pH range of 0 to 14. A pH of 7 is neutral, below 7 is acidic, and above 7 is alkaline. The ideal pH range for pool water is between 7.4 and 7.6. If the pH level is too low, the water is too acidic, and it can cause eye and skin irritation, corrosion of pool equipment, and reduce the effectiveness of chlorine. On the other hand, if the pH level is too high, the water becomes too alkaline, which can cause scale buildup and cloudy water.

Chlorine is a chemical used to kill bacteria and algae in the pool water. The recommended chlorine level for a swimming pool is between 1-3 parts per million (ppm). If the chlorine level is too low, it can result in unsanitary water, while too much chlorine can cause skin and eye irritation.

Other chemicals, such as alkalinity and calcium hardness, are also important to maintain the proper chemical balance of your pool water. Alkalinity refers to the water’s ability to resist pH changes, while calcium hardness is a measure of the water’s calcium content. Both of these chemicals can affect the water balance and should be tested and adjusted as needed.

Skimming and cleaning:

Skimming your pool regularly is essential for removing debris such as leaves, insects, and other floating objects that can accumulate on the surface of the water. If you have a lot of trees around your pool, you may need to skim the water daily. Using a skimmer net, remove any debris that is floating on the surface of the water.

In addition to skimming the water, it’s important to regularly brush the walls, steps, and floor of your pool to remove dirt and algae buildup. The type of brush you use will depend on the surface of your pool. For example, a plaster pool requires a stiff-bristled brush, while a vinyl pool requires a softer brush to avoid damage.

Brushing your pool walls, steps, and floor will also help prevent algae growth, which can cause slippery surfaces and discoloration. Make sure to pay extra attention to areas of the pool that don’t receive as much circulation, such as steps and corners.

When brushing, work from the top down to avoid pushing debris into the water. Use a circular motion to loosen dirt and algae, and then sweep it towards the pool drain. Be sure to rinse your brush frequently to remove any dirt or algae that has accumulated on the bristles.

If you notice stubborn stains on the walls or floor of your pool, you can use a pool cleaner or a specialized stain remover to help remove them. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions carefully, and always test a small area first to ensure the product doesn’t damage your pool surface.


The pool filter system is an essential component of your pool’s maintenance, as it is responsible for removing small particles and debris from the water. The filter system typically consists of a filter housing, a filter cartridge or sand, and a pump. The water is drawn through the filter media and then circulated back into the pool, leaving behind any particles or debris that were caught in the filter.

To ensure your pool filter is working efficiently, it’s important to check and clean it regularly. The frequency of cleaning will depend on the type of filter you have and how frequently you use your pool. As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended to clean your pool filter at least once a month during the swimming season.

If you have a cartridge filter, remove the cartridge and hose it down with a garden hose to remove any debris that has accumulated. If the cartridge is very dirty, you may need to soak it in a filter cleaner overnight before rinsing it off. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for cleaning and replacing the cartridge.

If you have a sand filter, backwash the filter system by reversing the water flow, which will flush out any debris that has accumulated in the sand. This process should be done when the filter’s pressure gauge shows a 7-10 psi increase above the initial pressure. If backwashing doesn’t restore the filter’s efficiency, it may be time to replace the sand.

In addition to regular cleaning, it’s also important to replace the filter media as recommended by the manufacturer. Over time, filter media can become clogged with debris and lose their effectiveness. A clogged filter can put a strain on the pump, reducing its efficiency and potentially causing damage. Replacing the filter media will help keep your pool water clean and clear, and prolong the life of your pool equipment.

Water level:

Maintaining the proper water level in your pool is essential for the safety and efficiency of your pool’s operations. If the water level is too low, the skimmer will not work effectively, and the pump may run dry, causing damage. If the water level is too high, the water may overflow and cause damage to the pool and its surroundings. Here are some tips for maintaining the correct water level in your pool:

  1. Check the water level regularly: It’s important to check the water level in your pool regularly, especially during the hot summer months when water evaporates quickly. A good rule of thumb is to check the water level once a week and adjust it as necessary.
  2. Use the skimmer to maintain water level: The skimmer in your pool is designed to maintain the water level automatically. If the water level is too low, the skimmer will suck in air, causing the pump to run dry. If the water level is too high, the skimmer will not be able to collect debris effectively. Check the water level by looking at the midpoint of the skimmer opening. The water level should be right around this point.
  3. Use a garden hose to add water: If the water level is too low, use a garden hose to add water to the pool until it reaches the recommended level. Be sure to place the hose in the pool and turn on the water slowly to avoid disturbing the chemical balance of the pool water.
  4. Use a pool cover to reduce water loss: Using a pool cover can help reduce water loss due to evaporation. A pool cover will also help keep debris out of the pool and reduce the need for skimming and cleaning.

Pump and motor:

The pool pump and motor are essential components of your pool’s filtration system, responsible for circulating and filtering the water to keep it clean and clear. Here are some tips for maintaining your pool pump and motor:

  1. Check for leaks: Regularly check the pump and motor for leaks. Leaks can occur at the connections between the pump and the filter, the pump and the motor, or the motor and the pool. A leak can cause the water to drain out of the pool, which can damage the pump and motor or cause the pool to run dry. If you notice any leaks, turn off the pump immediately and call a professional to repair it.
  2. Clean the pump basket: The pump basket catches debris that is drawn into the pump before it can enter the filter. Check the pump basket regularly and clean it out as necessary. A clogged pump basket can cause the pump to work harder than necessary, reducing its efficiency and potentially causing damage.
  3. Clear the pump impeller: The impeller is a fan-like device inside the pump that circulates the water. Over time, debris can become trapped in the impeller, reducing the pump’s efficiency. To clear the impeller, turn off the pump and open the pump basket. Use a small stick or screwdriver to clear any debris from the impeller.
  4. Check the motor: The pool motor powers the pump and circulates the water. Check the motor regularly to ensure it’s running smoothly. If you notice any unusual noises, vibrations, or overheating, turn off the pump immediately and call a professional to inspect it.
  5. Lubricate o-rings: O-rings are rubber seals that prevent water from leaking out of the pump or filter. Over time, o-rings can become dry and brittle, which can cause leaks. Lubricate the o-rings with a silicone-based lubricant to keep them supple and prevent leaks.

Pool covers:

A pool cover is an essential accessory for your pool, protecting it from debris, dirt, and leaves. A well-maintained pool cover also reduces water evaporation and helps keep your pool water warm. However, a damaged or ill-fitting pool cover can allow debris and dirt to enter the pool, undermining the pool’s cleanliness and compromising its safety. Here are some tips to ensure your pool cover is in good condition and fits properly:

  1. Inspect the cover regularly: Regularly inspect your pool cover for damage, such as tears, holes, or worn areas. If you notice any damage, repair or replace the cover as soon as possible. A damaged cover can allow debris and dirt to enter the pool and can cause additional damage to the cover over time.
  2. Check the cover fit: Make sure the cover fits the pool properly. A cover that is too small will not cover the entire pool, leaving exposed areas susceptible to debris and dirt. A cover that is too large can bunch up or sag, allowing debris to accumulate. If the cover doesn’t fit properly, consider replacing it with a cover that is the correct size.
  3. Use a cover pump: A cover pump is a device that removes excess water from the pool cover. If the cover is sagging or pooling with water, use a cover pump to remove the water. Excess water on the cover can cause it to stretch or tear, and it can also allow debris to accumulate.
  4. Clean the cover: Clean the pool cover regularly to remove any debris or dirt that has accumulated. Use a soft brush or broom to gently sweep the cover, and then rinse it with a garden hose. Avoid using harsh chemicals or a pressure washer, as these can damage the cover material.
  5. Store the cover properly: When the swimming season is over, store the pool cover in a cool, dry place away from sunlight. Fold the cover carefully, and avoid creasing or folding it too tightly, as this can cause damage to the cover material.

Safety equipment:

Swimming pools can be a fun and refreshing way to cool off during the hot summer months, but they can also be dangerous if proper safety precautions are not taken. Here are some tips for keeping your pool area safe:

  1. Keep safety equipment close by: Keep life rings, reaching poles, and a first aid kit close to the pool at all times. In the event of an emergency, having these items readily available can make a significant difference in preventing injuries or saving a life.
  2. Supervise young children: Young children should never be left unsupervised near a pool, even for a moment. An adult should always be present and paying attention to children in and around the pool. Make sure that any babysitters or caregivers are aware of pool safety guidelines and know how to respond in the event of an emergency.
  3. Install a pool fence: Consider installing a pool fence around your pool to prevent unsupervised access. The fence should be at least four feet high, with a self-closing and self-latching gate. This will help keep young children and pets out of the pool area when there is no adult present to supervise them.
  4. Teach swimming and water safety: Make sure that everyone who uses your pool knows how to swim and understands basic water safety rules. Consider enrolling young children in swimming lessons and providing them with flotation devices or other appropriate swim aids.
  5. Post pool rules: Post a list of pool rules in a visible location near the pool. These rules should include guidelines for safe swimming, such as no running or diving, no glass containers, and no swimming alone.


In summary, maintaining a swimming pool requires regular attention to chemical levels, skimming and cleaning, filtration, water levels, pump and motor, pool covers, and safety equipment. By following these guidelines, you can keep your pool in good condition and ensure it’s safe for use all season long.  If this all sounds like a bit much to keep up with, contact Aqua Premier Pool Services, serving Houston, Texas.